Grow Ahead Blog

Scholarship Update: Vasantha Kumari

April 11, 2019

Vasantha Kumari, from the Amrita Bhoomi agroecology center in south India, received a scholarship from Growahead for her work on the conservation of local seeds in April 2018. Vasantha is the seed coordinator of Amrita Bhoomi, which is a farmer’s agroecology school run by the farmers movement of the state of Karnataka. Vasantha is now single-handedly managing the seed program at Amrita Bhoomi.

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Planting Hope: Grow Ahead Funds Chilean National Campesina to Campesina Exchange

February 25, 2019

Grow Ahead teamed up with ANAMURI, the National Association of Rural and Indigenous Women in Chile to raise $10,000 for a “Campesina a Campesina” exchange. From November 19th-21st, 2018, rural and indigenous women from different regions of Chile came together to discuss agroecology and the peasant struggle. The central objective of farmer-to-farmer was to bring farmers and organizations together to discuss mechanisms and actions that help to disseminate and promote the agroecology as a strategy for protection of the land and environment and food sovereignty.

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Grow Ahead & Allies Fund Farmer Exchange on Diversification in Smallholder Coffee Systems

February 20, 2019

Grow Ahead teamed up with coffee cooperatives, CESMACH & PRODECOOP, leaders to raise $7,000 for an Assessment of On-Farm Diversification Strategies in Smallholder Coffee Systems in Mesoamerica. The event brought farmers, cooperatives, and researchers from Nicaragua, Mexico and the United States together in Estelí, Nicaragua for a week from, November 19th-23rd of 2018.

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Grow Ahead Launches Crowdfunding Campaign For Micro-Loans to Fund Small-Scale Coffee Farmers in Chiapas, Mexico

November 1, 2018

Grow Ahead launchs a new campaign to crowdfund $10,000 in micro-loans for farmer-led savings and credit fund “FondoMás,” a project of Mexican non-profit Impacto Café, to support ten smallholder coffee producers diversify into organic honey production in Chiapas, Mexico.

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International Insights: Hussen Ahmed Turns Agrowastes from the Flower Industry into Gold in Ethiopia

October 15, 2018

We talked to Hussen Ahmed of Soil & More Ethiopia about recycling waste from the flower industry and turning it into compost, which he provides to smallholder farmers to help regenerate their land. For Hussen, soil building with compost was an obvious solution to recycle green waste and regenerate land in a country plagued by drought and desertification.

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A Farmer-Led Vision for a New Food System in Paraguay

September 25, 2018

Grow Ahead has launched a campaign to support the development of an agroecology center in Paraguay in partnership with La Via Campesina. We are raising $20,000 to train dozens of farmers, including 37 agroecology university students, and support the establishment of an aquaculture training program and other agroecological activities.

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Promoting Conservation Agriculture Among Rural Farmers in Ghana

September 12, 2018

The Centre for No-Till Agriculture (CNTA) shares an update on the Grow Ahead project that was crowdfunded earlier this year. Since the project was funded, the CNTA team has begun the one-year hands on training process with 41 farmers.

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Update from Agroecology Scholarship Recipient Vasantha Kumari

July 31, 2018

Vasantha Kumari, from the Amrita Bhoomi agroecology center in south India recently received a scholarship from Grow Ahead for her work on the conservation of local seeds. Here’s the latest update. 

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Be a Part of Grow Ahead—Join Our Board of Directors!

July 31, 2018

We’re on a mission to support 100,000 small-scale farmers tackle climate change in their communities. Interested? Join us. We’re looking for passionate individuals to join our board of directors.

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