Farmer-to-Farmer Exchange and Reforestation in Colombia

Campaign Goal: $10,000

Country: Colombia

Grow Ahead teamed up with Association for Cooperativa del Sur del Cauca (COSURCA) and Cooperative Coffees to expand agroecological capacities and community adaptability practices to climate change in Macizo and Sur del Cauca, Colombia.

Funded March 2023

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Eco-shipping with Grow Ahead

Eco Shipping at Grow Ahead

Is this the same as carbon offsetting? Grow Ahead uses the term “eco-shipping” to distinguish our projects from conventional tree planting projects that claim to provide carbon offsets.  Carbon offsetting broadly refers to reducing greenhouse gas emissions or the act of storing carbon (e.g., through land restoration or the planting of trees), in order to…

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Observing Fair Trade Month: why it means not taking the short-cuts

October marks National Fair Trade Month in the United States: a month dedicated to raising awareness of the importance of fair trade, and the promotion of buying and using socially and commercially responsible products. Despite the term’s ubiquity, its full meaning still eludes most of us, with the numerous fair trade entities adding to the confusion. What makes Fair Trade so complicated, and what does Fair Trade mean to Grow Ahead?

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Agroforestry, Cocoa, and what it means for farmers in Ghana

We can find cocoa in cuisines and traditions around the world. In spite of — or perhaps because of — cocoa’s widespread popularity as an ingredient and commodity, traditional cocoa farming is built on colonial models of extraction that exploit the land, farmers, and farm workers.

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A Farmer-Led Vision for a New Food System in Paraguay

Grow Ahead has launched a campaign to support the development of an agroecology center in Paraguay in partnership with La Via Campesina. We are raising $20,000 to train dozens of farmers, including 37 agroecology university students, and support the establishment of an aquaculture training program and other agroecological activities.

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