Grow Ahead Partners with Heine Brothers’ Coffee and Coop Coffees for Agroforestry Crowdfunding Campaign Initiative in Peru

Heine Brothers’ Coffee, an organic and fair trade coffee roaster from Louisville, Kentucky, and green coffee importing cooperative, Coop Coffees, have announced commitments to support a regenerative agroforestry tree planting campaign in Northern Peru launched by Grow Ahead, a crowdfunding platform that supports small-scale farmers and climate resiliency projects around the world.

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How Farmer-to-Farmer Trainings are Spreading New Solutions to Climate Change

In the fall of 2017, Grow Ahead successfully crowdfunded a farmer-to-farmer training in Nicaragua. The training brought together more than twenty farmers and participants from around the world, mostly coffee farmers from Central and South America. Ryan Zinn caught up with one of the participants, José Fernando Reyes of Norandino Cooperative in Peru, to hear more.

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Scholarship: Vasantha Kumari

Campaign Goal: $2,500

Country: India

Vasantha is seeking a scholarship to spend one year at agroecology centre Amrita Bhoomi located in the pristine Biligiri Ranga Hills of India, developing skills in seed conservation in order to launch a seed distribution program.

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Scholarship: Elizabeth Mpofu

Campaign Goal: $2,500

Country: Zimbabwe

Elizabeth is seeking a scholarship to travel to other countries practicing agroecology and regenerative agriculture to learn from their experiences and share what she learns through workshops with other women farmers in Zimbabwe and Southern Africa.

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