
We team up with small-scale farmer organizations around the world to support projects that improve the environment and community livelihoods. 

Where We Work

current projects

past projects

Our campaigns raise money for projects that are completely designed, implemented, and managed by community cooperatives. This is a radical shift in community development, placing trust in local knowledge and expertise. As a result, communities have more sovereignty over their food and resources to spread knowledge on sustaining their communities and their lands.

Current Campaigns

Regenerative Organic Agroforestry in Ivory Coast

Campaign Goal: $25,000

Country: Ivory Coast

Grow Ahead has teamed up with KANY Scoops to support the planting of 35,000 trees and organize dynamic agroforestry demonstration farms to act as training centers for cocoa growers in the region.

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Our Impact


Farmer Led Agroforestry in Mexico’s Coffee Lands

Campaign Goal: $18,000

Country: Mexico

Grow Ahead has teamed up with the Coalition of Ejidos of the Costa Grande of Guerrero to support the planting of 75,000 trees and facilitate agroecological training via the network of Latin American Institute of Agroecology (IALA).

 Seed Saving and Reforestation in Mexico

Campaign Goal: $46,000

Country: Mexico

Grow Ahead has teamed up with Ka’ Kuxtal Much Meyaj to support the planting of 25,000 trees and promotion of a seed saving program in Campeche, Mexico.

Farmer-to-Farmer Exchange and Reforestation in Colombia

Campaign Goal: $10,000

Country: Colombia

Grow Ahead teamed up with Association for Cooperativa del Sur del Cauca (COSURCA) and Cooperative Coffees to expand agroecological capacities and community adaptability practices to climate change in Macizo and Sur del Cauca, Colombia.

Funded March 2023

Reforestation and Environmental Education in Brazil

Campaign Goal: $50,000

Country: Brazil

Grow Ahead teamed up with Association for Agricultural Cooperation, Education and the Environment of the state of Pernambuco (ACAEMPE) to support the planting of 80,000 trees and promotion of an environmental education program in Pernambuco, Brazil.

Funded August 2023

Community-led Reforestation and Food Sovereignty in Thailand

Campaign Goal: $65,000

Country: Thailand

Grow Ahead has teamed up with Assembly of the Poor (AOP) to support a project to enhance agroforestry and community food-forests for food sovereignty in Thailand.

Funded November 2022

Scholarships for Movement-Based Master’s Degree in Agroecology and Food Sovereignty

Grow Ahead is teaming up with ECOSUR to fund scholarships for 13 professionals, peasant-farm leaders, leaders of Indigenous organizations, cooperatives and community associations from Mexico and Latin America to receive their Professional Master’s Degree in Agroecology for Food Sovereignty.

Indigenous-led Ecosystem Restoration in Mexico

Campaign Goal: $60,000

Country: Mexico

Grow Ahead teamed up with Communal Assets of the Lacandona Zone (BCZL) to support traditional Mayan agroforestry to boost biodiversity, support soil health and restore freshwater in the lagoons, rivers and springs of the Lacandona Jungle.

Funded February 2020

Agroforestry and Cocoa in Ghana

Campaign Goal: $50,000

Country: Ghana

Grow Ahead has teamed up with Kuapa Kokoo to support Agroforestry and Cocoa in Ghana project.

Funded August 2022

Women-led Reforestation in Brazil

Campaign Goal: $50,000

Country: Brazil

Grow Ahead has teamed up with Central Cooperative of the Agrarian Reform Areas of Ceará to support a Women-led reforestation and beekeeping project in Brazil.

Funded June 2021

Reforestation in Honduras

Campaign Goal: $40,000

Country: Honduras

Grow Ahead teamed up with COMSA to plant 40,000 trees in agroforestry systems with coffee farmers in Honduras.

Funded May 2021